
All product names, logos, and designs on this site are the intellectual property of their respective brands and companies.

The design, logo, and names “Tiara”, “Tiaracare”, and “Tiaralove” are the intellectual ownership of the e-store Tiara and the company by: Jozef Kozár, PhD., Brno, Czech Republic, EU, Company-ID: 17965900.

The content of this website, including the blog, texts, graphics, videos, and all other content, is the intellectual property of the Tiara e-shop and the operator’s company: Jozef Kozár, PhD., Brno, Czech Republic, EU, Company-ID: 17965900.

Photos for the web portal Gpointstudio, JK,
Sources of the animations and other graphics for Pch-Vector, Freepik, Macrovector
The photos in the header of and on all related marketing items: Racool Studio